Friday, May 25, 2007

What does it mean to be Christian!

I ask this question because of a recent experience I encountered in a so called Christian community that was all inclusive. When I say all inclusive please let your imagination go free, in other words everyone and everything seemed to be accepted.

They never proclaimed Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Saviour of the world. Their Christology was as low as you can go, nor was there a Trinitarian theology. Their services were Ecumenical but as I stated their theology was such that it offended no one. They were morally and ethically way to the left.

Can we identify such communities as being Christian when the basic fundamental issues are missing. Paul of Tarsus was brave enough to call to correction those communities which were not living the moral life and we as well should call to task such communities today.

What are your comment on such issues, how do we deal with them today. Our fundamental function as Christians is to preach Jesus Christ as Saviour. We should always admonish but never condemn that is up to our Heavenly Father who is the judge.